Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Javanese Batik (Batik Five types of Jogjakarta) and the Meaning of Philosophy

One of the famous Javanese batik is batik of Yogyakarta. This batik batik pattern basically has a white base. Currently, batik Indonesia received attention internationally as a genuine cultural heritage Indonesia. Here are five kinds of batik York:

A. Motif Kawung

Kawung batik is batik motif with Napthol dyes and used as a long cloth.
The philosophy of meaning in this batik is a symbol of courage and justice
Sphere-like motifs patterned Kawung Kawung fruit (a type of oil or sometimes also considered as a fruit and fro) are cleanly laid out geometrically. Sometimes, this motif is also interpreted as drawing a lotus flower (lotus) flower with four leaves of the fissure.Lotus is a flower that symbolizes longevity and purity.

Usually Kawung motifs were named based on the large-size round-oval shape contained in a particular motif. For example: motif kawung Kawung Picis is composed by a small circle shape. Picis is a currency worth ten senyang is small. While Kawung Bribil motives kawung is composed of a form that is greater than kawung Picis. This is consistent with bribil name, the currency is greater than picis shape and worth half a penny. While kawung round-oval that is greater than Bribil Kawung called Kawung Mon

2. Motif Parang Kusumo

Kusumo parang motif is Motif Batik Napthol additives and used as a cloth while the ring exchange
Parang Kusumo motif contained in a sense that a life should be based on the struggles and efforts in achieving physical and spiritual fragrance. This can be likened to the scent of a flower (kusuma). Also in the philosophy of Java.
A life in the community foremost we have to get is a personal fragrance without having to leave the norms prevailing normadan value. One thing that is difficult to realize. But generally the Java hoping to take a life that is virtually perfect inner and outer obtained the labors of personal behavior and good.

Batik motifs Parang Kusumo meaningful life must be based on the struggle to find happiness and spiritual, like the fragrance of flowers (kusuma). For example, for the Javanese, the foremost of living in society is a fragrance (good of) his own without leaving the prevailing norms and manners in order to avoid disaster and unseen

3. Batik motifs Truntum

Truntum batik is batik motif with coloring substances: Nature Soga and used at weddings
Truntum Kanjeng created by Golden Queen (Empress Sunan Paku Buwana III) means the love that grows back. He created this motif as a symbol of unconditional love is unconditional, eternal, and the longer feels more fertile growing (tumaruntum). Because of its meaning, truntum usually worn by brides parents on the wedding day. The hope is that this love will descend tumaruntum the bride and groom. Sometimes it also meant that parents are obligated to "lead" the bride and groom to enter a new life.

4. Batik motifs Tambal

Patchwork batik is batik motif with natural dyes Soga.
Motif elements used are fried, machetes, Meru, etc. with characteristic scrapings. Used as a long cloth.
The philosophy of meaning in this motif is believed when people are sick of this cloth as a blanket, the pain get better soon, because it means adding a new spirit patched.

5. Batik motifs Pamiluto

Pamiluto batik motifs using Soga Natural dyes are used as long as the engagement of cloth
Motif elements contained in it is Parang, Ceplok, Truntum and others.
while philosophy in this batik is Pamiluto derived from the word "sticky rice", means the adhesive, in the Java language could mean kepilut [interested].
In addition to the above five motifs, batik motif Yogyarkarta also have many other ideas that became the birth of contemporary batik batik-date.

 The following figure 5 types of batik York:

A. Batik motifs Kawung

B. Motif Batik Parang Kusumo

C. Batik motifs Truntum

D. Batik motifs Tambal

E. Batik motifs Pamiluto

Let us preserve the culture of batik as an Indonesian cultural heritage that is priceless.

Quoted from:

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